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St Joseph's Roman CatholicPrimary School

To grow daily in God's love, blossoming in His will

Spring Term 2025

Knowledge and Understanding of the World:

History- Children will look back on their own past lives and recall events from last term and from over the Christmas break. Using photographs from past events, children will be assisted in recalling memories from their past. As we learn about animals, children will be invited to share photographs of any family pets they have now and in the past. 

The school focus in history this term is Power. The vocabulary of power will be introduced as part of our topic of "Amazing Animals" as we look at groups of animals and identify those in power.     

Geography- As we work through our topic, "Amazing Animals", we will learn about animal habitats and which animals can be found in hot and cold climates in different parts of the world. 

Science- As we learn about animals, we will teach the correct vocabulary for the features of different animals and their habitats. We will compare how the needs of different animals are similar and different to our own needs as humans. Seasonal changes will be explored as winter continues and at the end of the term, Spring begins. We will search the school grounds for signs of winter and later, spring and observe and discuss changes in the weather. We will observe how warm temperatures melt frost, snow and ice and how water will turn to ice in extremely cold weather.

Expressive Arts and Design:  Children will create winter pictures using a range of media including chalk, pastels, paints and collage materials. They will produce line drawings of animals and explore colours and patterns in animal skins and camouflage. There will be lots of opportunities for mixing different shades of colours and mixing new colours using prime colours. Within the creative area, children will be supported in using the correct way to hold and use scissors for cutting and a range of tools and techniques for joining materials. Staff will model role play and play with the children to inspire and extend their imaginations.    
