St Joseph's Roman CatholicPrimary School
To grow daily in God's love, blossoming in His will
Phonics: Nursery children will continue to practise their rhyming skills, identifying rhyming words in stories and identifying rhyming pairs. They will play lots of listening games, identifying sounds in the environment and trying to hear the initial sounds in words and matching them to objects. To develop their listening skills, children will try to identify sounds in the environment and match the sounds different musical instruments make.
Reception children will be taught the remaining phase 2 phonemes and digraphs and will learn to will practise blending them to read words, phrases and simple sentences. They will also practise segmenting to spell words using these sounds. The remaining phase 2 tricky words will be introduced and children will practise reading short sentences which include these.
Reading: The reception children will take home 2 reading books each week. These books will help them to practise blending the sounds recently introduced in phonics along with those they are revisiting. The children continue to practise blending to read read in daily phonics sessions and will begin to read in small adult led group guided reading sessions this half term. A range of Autumn themed information books and story books are available and books related to our topic of journeys will be read and added to the collection for children to access themselves.
All children will discuss and exchange their library book from the suitcase each week. The discussions will focus on book language such as characters, fiction and non-fiction, book cover, blurb, title and index.
Writing: Reception children are practising the correct formation of letters during daily phonics sessions and the formation of letters in their names using the Red Rose phonics phrases. Oral and written segmenting of sounds to spell simple words is practised in our daily phonics sessions.
Nursery children are practising mark making using a variety of tools and are encouraged and praised for their attempts at writing their own names on their pictures.
All children will be encouraged to write at every opportunity and those who are becoming increasingly confident at recognising and hearing sounds in words will be supported in their attempts to include these sounds in their writing.
New and relevant vocabulary will be taught and used throughout the day, with focussed vocabulary in each subject being introduced.