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St Joseph's Roman CatholicPrimary School

To grow daily in God's love, blossoming in His will

Autumn Term 2024

Knowledge and Understanding of the World:

History- Children will look back on their own past lives and recall events before starting school. When learning about Baptism in RE, we will look at photographs from when we were babies and how we have changed. Different modes of transport in the past and present will be compared.

The school focus in history this term is Migration. The vocabulary of migration will be introduced as part of our topic of Autumn with the migration of birds.

Geography- As we work through our topic, "We're going on a journey!", we will invite children to bring in photographs of their own journeys they have been on. These could be journeys to local places, to places in different parts of the UK and around the world. We will look at natural and human features in the local environment and those seen on our journeys. 

Science- Seasonal changes will be explored as summer ends and Autumn begins. We will search the school grounds for signs of autumn and observe and discuss changes in the weather.

Expressive Arts and Design:  Children will produce line drawings of their families and themselves. There will be lots of opportunities for mixing different shades of colours and mixing new colours using prime colours. Within the creative area, children will be taught the correct way to hold and use scissors for cutting and a range of tools and techniques for joining materials. Staff will model role play and play with the children to inspire and extend their imaginations.     


