We have a place available in EYFS! Please contact the office for details.

St Joseph's Roman CatholicPrimary School

To grow daily in God's love, blossoming in His will

Indoor learning

The Summer term began with lots of things to celebrate including World Earth day and St Georges day in our very first week back. The children have been giving careful thought to how they can help to look after God's world and have been thinking about what they would include in their very own worlds. We have been developing mapping skills, recording our own maps of Rosie's Walk and nursery children building their own 3D maps. 

Our topic of Kings, Queens and Fairy Tales has begun with Jack and the Beanstalk and the children trying to use their imaginations to think what they might find at the top of their very own beanstalk! We have planted some beans, so who knows where our adventures might lead us!    
