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St Joseph's Roman CatholicPrimary School

To grow daily in God's love, blossoming in His will

Clitheroe castle and library trip

Our EYFS trip to Clitheroe Castle was enjoyed by all and was a lovely, fun, busy, hot and tiring day. This was part of the summer term's topic of Kings, Queens and Fairy Tales.

We've found out about various coloured dragons which might just be lurking where we'd least expect to find them. A dragon detector discovered that we might just have some dragons amongst us! We've defended the castle by shooting imaginary arrows at passers by (see if you can spot the fantastic dog walker who played along and fell to the ground by the band stand with an arrow in her chest!). We've had "poo shifters" in our groups, picnicked in the shade, heard and watched the library clock chime in the library, seen the art work that led to the new statue near Booths and visited the dungeons underneath the library- this was darkest place most have ever been in when the lights were turned off!  

Our youngest children behaved brilliantly throughout the day, listening to instructions, managing their food packaging at lunch time, disposing of their rubbish carefully, carrying their own belongings and showing respect to others as we walked through the narrow pavements near the town's road works! They were a credit to the school!
