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St Joseph's Roman CatholicPrimary School

To grow daily in God's love, blossoming in His will

A visit from the fire sevice

What an exciting morning we had on Monday, when 5 firemen arrived to talk to the children about their role in helping people as fire fighters. The children learned about how they rescued pets, put out fires, use special cutting tools to free people who are stuck in houses or vehicles and how they help in flooded areas. The children asked and answered a wide range of questions such as, "Where do you get your water from?", "How powerful is your hose?", "Can you rescue people and animals from roofs?", "How tall are your ladders?", and the most memorable and random of all- "Have you ever seen a bad unicorn?"

The year one and two children joined us outside to see the engine and use the hose- a very informative morning on a dull and damp December Monday!   
