We have a place available in EYFS! Please contact the office for details.

St Joseph's Roman CatholicPrimary School

To grow daily in God's love, blossoming in His will

Leavers 2022

As the school year ends we are saying farewell to 12 children, 9 from year 6 and 3 from other year groups. Whether a child has been at St Joseph’s for months or years, they are all a valuable part of our school and will be missed tremendously. Good luck to each and every one of you in your futures. 
This year, 6 of our year 6 leavers are the only or the youngest child in the family, so we are also saying a fond farewell to 6 families who have been a huge part of St Joseph’s for many many years. They have run and supported the friends if St Joseph’s, raising thousands of pounds for school funds, raising lots of smiles and helping out in forest school sessions, on local walks and on many school trips. A huge thanks goes to all of these families for the time, energy, enthusiasm and support they have given to our school.
Tissues were in hand today at our mass led by Father Tim and will no doubt be needed again on Friday! 😥
