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St Joseph's Roman CatholicPrimary School

To grow daily in God's love, blossoming in His will

Coronation Celebrations

We have had a wonderful week at St Joseph’s preparing for the celebration of our new king and Queen. The children designed and made crowns and decorations and all made a huge effort to dress for the occasion on Thursday in their red, white and blue or their own royal outfits. The day began with a procession of the “royal” members of our school, bowing and curtsying to the crowds. The weather was kind enough to us to be able to have a coronation picnic outside with the singing of Land of Hope and Glory, God save the King and then Sweet Caroline! We hope the children will remember this day in many years to come. 
Our EYFS children have all written a letter to King. Charles 111 and Queen Camilla, telling them what they would do if they were the king or queen. 
Below are a selection of photographs from the day, many others may be found on class pages. 
