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St Joseph's Roman CatholicPrimary School

To grow daily in God's love, blossoming in His will

Holy Week, 2024

Holy Week in the EYFS began with a story from the bible followed by a morning of tasting toasted hot cross buns, creating Easter cards, playing Easter games and trying to use a variety of resources to construct crosses. 
A group of year 5 and 6 children then prepared a wonderful class worship in the chapel for us, based around the story of Palm Sunday. They had put so much thought and effort into it and the children listened and participated beautifully in a reflective manner. Whilst in the chapel, we spent time looking in detail at the pictures on the Stations of the Cross. It was then back to class to complete more of our Easter card making. 

Day 2 began with all the children writing their names inside their Easter cards and choosing which one would be delivered to a member of the local community and which would be taken home to their family. Black cross silhouettes were painted onto the rainbow eggs and the decorated crosses added to the green grass. Children then began creating their own Egg collage. Children throughout the school are drawing and cutting out their own egg shape and then choosing which materials to use to create their collage. We found that eggs aren't as easy to draw as we'd first thought, but the children did a great job and many are using their repeat pattern making skills from maths when creating their collages.   

The weather was kind to us for our afternoon's Stations of the Crosses walk upon the sports field. Every child experienced just a glimpse of how difficult it was for Jesus as they carried the heavy wooden cross to each station. We looked at the details of the art work at each station as each part of the story of the crucifixion was told. Every child had brought their own smaller wooden cross to school to bring on the walk, these were placed at the entrance of our school once the walk was completed. Another very reflective day for our youngest children during this special week of learning in our school.    
Wednesday and Thursday were spent creating an Easter garden and baking then eating hot cross scones. The egg collages were finished and chocolate eggs appeared in strange places for the children to find. 
We wish all our families a wonderful Easter break. 
