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St Joseph's Roman CatholicPrimary School

To grow daily in God's love, blossoming in His will

Summer 1

Our weekly mathematics activities are planned using the Lancashire Mathematics planning documents as a reference. Our planning is adapted to challenge and support every child's ability and to respond to their interests. 

This half term, in reception we will be practising skills of addition and subtraction and looking at number patterns to understand how these number operations are related. We will continue to explore teen numbers and number sequences. We will also revisit doubling and halving of numbers and sharing objects into equal sets. 

When studying length, height, width, weight and capacity, uniform non-standardised units such as Duplo bricks will be used to measure objects. Children will be encouraged to estimate how many objects will be needed to measure something. We look forward to growing, making and measuring a range of beanstalks during our Jack and the beanstalk fairy tales activities. 


Nursery children will increase their accurate counting skills, by counting larger sets of objects using one-to-one correspondence. Using a range of natural objects and toys, they will extend their recognition numerals and match the number of objects in a set to them. 

They will compare and order the length, height, width and weight of objects and build up their mathematical vocabulary related to size. 
