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St Joseph's Roman CatholicPrimary School

To grow daily in God's love, blossoming in His will

A visit from the police

What an exciting and informative afternoon we had on Tuesday, 28th November, when PC Paddy and PCSO Naz came from Longridge Police station to talk to the children about their jobs in the police force. They answered lots of interesting questions from the children, such as, "Will you come if I sit in the front of the car when Mummy says I can't?", "Do you catch baddies?", "Why do you have to work in the night time and when can you go to sleep?", "Are you scared?", "Do you put people in prison?" and (PC Paddy's favourite!) "Why don't you have police cats if you have police horses and police dogs?" PC Paddy said that his favourite part of the job was helping people who are in trouble.

The highlight of the visit was going to have a closer look at the police car and watching the blue flashing lights and hearing the very noisy sirens- Mrs Orr had to leave her office to check that we hadn't got ourselves into trouble!     
