We have one place available for September 2024! Please contact the office for details.

St Joseph's Roman CatholicPrimary School

To grow daily in God's love, blossoming in His will

Gymnastics Club

Gymnastics club has been held before school on Wednesday mornings for the past four weeks.

We have had an amazing 22 children from year 3 and 4 attending. Many of these children have also given up a large part of their lunch time breaks to practise up in the chapel with Mrs Geldard. The progress of every child over the past month has been incredible and they should feel very proud of their achievements in such a short amount of time. We are very grateful to Mrs Cowperthwaite’s daughter Jane, who is young and able enough to demonstrate the routines to the children and had helped with the coaching. We are taking 2 teams to represent the school in the Ribble Valley gymnastics competition on Monday, 7th February. Good luck to them all. 
