We have A place available in EYFS! Please contact the office for details.

St Joseph's Roman CatholicPrimary School

To grow daily in God's love, blossoming in His will

Founder's Day retreats

Key stage 1 and EYFS joined together to have a day of the Old Testament bible stories about Moses, praying together, playing together, feasting together and times of quiet reflection and contemplation. 

When our EYFS children were asked when they felt closest to God, some of their responses were quite mature: 

"When I fell on the playground, I didn't hurt myself and I knew God was looking after me." Arthur ME

"When the people in the bible story weren't listening to God, I felt God near me." Charlie A 

"When we said the lunch time Examen prayer all together with year 1s and 2s, I felt closest to God." Rose

"When we were on the big field and Mr Z was reading the bible, I was with God" Alba

