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St Joseph's Roman CatholicPrimary School

To grow daily in God's love, blossoming in His will

Our toys party

The perfect way to start children’s mental health week and the last week before a half term break, was with a toys’ party, and what a wonderful day we had despite the damp, dull weather outside. 
During RE we have been looking at examples of family celebrations, parish celebrations and events celebrated by different faiths and in different countries. The children have taken their own learning to another level and have been planing parties and celebrations in our mud kitchen, our creative art area and in our role-play area. 
We decided during our planning meeting to build on their enthusiasm as an ideal way of introducing our upcoming learning about toys children play with now, in the past and in other parts of the world. The children put their “thinking caps” on in their key person groups and produced a huge list of things we would need to make our party a success. With he exception of a bouncy castle and some sausage rolls, I think we managed to tick everything of the list and a good day was had by all! We compared the heights of a variety of toys, identified if they were old or new and whether they were hard or soft. The children’s vocabulary during discussions was quite extensive and some of the toys themselves were quite vocal too, but weren’t sure of our rules about interrupting others!!!
