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St Joseph's Roman CatholicPrimary School

To grow daily in God's love, blossoming in His will

Advent in school

What an amazing week we have had this week. The week began with a beautiful covering of snow, which we just had to go out and explore as it’s such a rarity. We found footprints, which after suggestions of monsters, dinosaurs and ducks, we decided must have come from a little robin which Mrs Geldard had spotted earlier in the morning!

The focus was then on wreath making, with all children adding some evergreen, pine cones, candles or red ribbons to the wreath. Father Tim came to bless these on Tuesday morning and we are loving lighting the candle each morning and adding the next figure into our Advent nativity scene before saying our prayers. 
We have used the Haiti flags to create Christmas lanterns, which we hope to sell to raise funds for those struggling in Haiti. Gill and David Jacques came into school to lead the assembly on Friday morning to tell us more about this. 
We are also busy with Christmas card making, tree decoration making and calendar making to welcome the New Year which we hope will be filled with God’s love and light. 
Our literacy and numeracy haven’t been out on hold, writing skills have been used as we write our Advent promises and letters to Father Christmas, while there is lots of counting, pattern making and shape investigations going on as part of our Christmas creations. 
The Nativity practises are going really well- let’s hope we haven’t peaked too early! 
Oh and then there was the panto- Oh yes there was!!!!! Nerves turned to delight and the monkey kept us amused. 
We are truly blessed to be working with such enthusiastic and excited children at this amazing time of year, but there is little wonder that there were so many tired faces this afternoon- we’ve packed so much into the week. 
