We have a place available in EYFS! Please contact the office for details.

St Joseph's Roman CatholicPrimary School

To grow daily in God's love, blossoming in His will

A royal way to end the year

After a busier than usual year, there was a lot to celebrate as our academic year is almost over. Our first year in our new EYFS classroom has been a successful one, so what better way to celebrate than gathering everyone together for a right royal banquet and ball! With decorations and party games galore there was lots of fun and laughter throughout the day. The children decorated home baked cakes, shared their favourite memories of their first year in our EYFS unit, played musical games and had their faces painted. (Thanks to Mrs Kier for the face painting). The sun shone, so their cloaks and long dresses were left indoors while we had fun on the field, then it was back into full costume for our royal banquet in the dining room. The day ended with each child taking home individual certificates and party packs for being queens or queens of kindness, enthusiasm, jigsaw making or something individual to them. The perfect tonic for tired teachers and children after another disappointing football final. 
