We have one place available for September 2024! Please contact the office for details.

St Joseph's Roman CatholicPrimary School

To grow daily in God's love, blossoming in His will

Summer 1

Knowledge and Understanding of the World:

History- we will look at the simple family tree of the Royal family and share memories and photographs from the coronation of King Charles 111 and for the older children, the Platinum Jubilee and the funeral of Queen Elizabeth 11. We will explore castles and palaces.

Geography- Mapping skills will be taught using the story of Rosie's Walk as an introduction. Natural and man made features of the local environment will be compared with those seen in the city of London will be compared. On World Earth day, 22nd April, children will create their own ideal worlds and will be encouraged to consider how we can help to save our world. As we continue with our topic of fairy tales, children will consider and choose which geographical features they will want to include in their own fairy tale adventures.

Science- Our daffodil bulbs were all flowering when we returned to school following the Easter break and we have observed that the grass is growing quite long. With rabbits and lambs in view from the windows, signs of Spring are now easy to see. We hope to plant some beans and see if we can grow our own beanstalks. 


Expressive Arts and Design:

Fairy tales are a great way to let our imaginations grow as we make up our own fairy tale adventures with toys, construction materials and natural objects to tell the stories. 

We will be designing and making our own royal crowns and tiaras, building castles and palaces and engaging in lots of imaginative fairy tale and royal role-play.

We have used happy music to continue our RE discussions about the good news of the resurrection and how good news makes us happy. As we have created happy dances in PE, we will continue to explore how to respond to music and show a range of emotions through dance.  

